Version 2018-12-01
Thomas Schreiber
Dubravko Jagar
RTR-NetTest team
1. Introduction and terms of use
The present document specifies requests for Open Data collected by the RTR-NetTest and is available under Open Data can be obtained at the user’s discretion in two possible formats:
Zipped CSV files for data collected within the last 31 days or within a specified month (Content-Type: application/zip; cf. Chapter CSV-Export) and
JSON data for any requests, even for combinations of several criteria (Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8).
JSON data can be provided for two types of requests:
Search for tests by Open Data, i.e. data of all tests meeting some set of user-defined criteria (cf. Chapter Search for tests by open-data) and
Search data for one specific test (cf Chapter Open data for one specific test).
The Open Data interface is accessible via
Occurrences of INTERFACE in URLs in this document have to be replaced with the above link. |
The services are specified by means of their attributes. Sample requests and responses are also provided. Names within angle brackets <> are mandatory, within curly brackets {} are optional and have to be replaced with actual values. Attributes in a query after ? are always defined as <key>=<value> parameter pairs. Multiple attributes are delimited with ampersand &. The general format is hence:
GET INTERFACE<path>{?key-1=value-1}{&key-2=value-2}…{&key-n=value-n}
The parameter "sender" is optional for low-volume requests. For high-volume requests, please contact RTR ( for instructions regarding the parameter "sender". Users with a registered sender ID can be informed in case of major interface changes.
Data accessible via the Open Data Interface are made available under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC BY 4.0). Regarding privacy policy and terms of use, please refer to
2. Search for tests by open-data
2.1. Request
Method | URL |
INTERFACE/opentests/search{?parameters} |
2.2. Parameters
Type | Name | Description |
Url |
filter-criteria |
Optional. The criteria, which search-results have to meet. Possible criteria are: download_kbit: LONG download_kbit[]: LONG upload_kbit: LONG upload_kbit[]: LONG ping_ms: DOUBLE ping_ms[]: DOUBLE time: DATE time[]: DATE zip_code: LONG zip_code[]: LONG cat_technology: STRING cat_technology[]: STRING client_version: STRING client_version[]: STRING model: STRING model[]: STRING network_name: STRING network_name[]: STRING network_type: STRING network_type[]: STRING platform: STRING platform[]: STRING signal_strength: LONG signal_strength[]: LONG open_uuid: UUID client_uuid: UUID long: DOUBLE long[]: DOUBLE lat: DOUBLE lat[]: DOUBLE mobile_provider_name: STRING mobile_provider_name[]: STRING provider_name: STRING provider_name[]: STRING sim_mcc_mnc: STRING sim_mcc_mnc[]: STRING sim_country: STRING sim_country[]: STRING asn: LONG asn[]: LONG network_country: STRING network_country[]: STRING country_geoip: STRING country_geoip[]: STRING country_location: STRING country_location[]: STRING loc_accuracy: LONG loc_accuracy[]: LONG public_ip_as_name: STRING format: ["json", "csv"] Date fields have to be submitted as a number, representing the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since midnight, January 1st, 1970 or in the format “yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss”. The time is given in UTC. Decimal point (Full Stop “.”) is always used to separate the integer part from the fractional part of a number written in decimal form. This is independent from the local or regional settings. Numeric fields also allow using the comparators ‘>’ and ‘<’ (meaning ‘=>’ and ‘=<’ respectively). Dates have always to be queried as ranges by using these comparators. String fields allow using the wildcard ‘*’ for matching any literals and ‘?’ for matching one arbitrary literal. It is possible, to begin each filter argument with an exclamation mark (!) to negate the filter. E.g. network_type=!LAN will yield all tests where the network type was not LAN. The criteria denoted with [] can be used more than once in a query. Data has to match all criteria. If an array for one criterion is given, the data has to match each entry. Generally a query on a parameter value ‘null’ is not possible, except for the parameter loc_accuracy, where the value -1 means ‘null’. Non-‘null’ values are queried with any single or multiple values. |
Url |
sort_by, sort_order |
Optional. The field for which the data are sorted. Valid fields are: “download_kbit", "upload_kbit", "time", "signal_strength" and "ping_ms”. For this, the sort_by-Parameter specifies the field, the sort_order-Parameter specifies the direction (‘asc’ or ‘desc’). Per Default, the results are sorted by the time of the test in descending order (i.e. sort_by=time&sort_order=desc). |
Url |
max_results |
Optional. This is the page size, i.e. maximum number of result items that are returned per page. The default value is 100 items per page. The page size limit is 10000 items, i.e. not more than 10000 results can be displayed in a page. |
Url |
cursor |
Optional. It is used for pagination if the query returns more than the number of items according to parameter max_results. The value to be used for the display of the next page is given by the previous response in returned parameter next_cursor. |
Url |
format |
Optional. Using the String values "json" or "csv" it is possible to specify the desired output format of the query. Default: "json". If the sort parameters are specified, the value of the cursor is a multiple of the parameter max_results, otherwise it is an arbitrary number. |
Url |
_, timestamp |
Optional. Will be ignored and can be used to prevent caching of the response. |
Url |
sender |
Optional. ID of the sender, for authentication. |
2.3. Response
Status | Response |
200 |
The resulting JSON or CSV, specified as following. |
400 |
A JSON Error Message containing all fields with invalid values. |
2.3.1. Returned JSON
Value | Type | Example |
duration_ms |
Numeric |
124 |
next_cursor |
Numeric |
1455 |
results |
JSONArray |
[{opendata-summary-item}] |
duration_ms |
The time it took the server to search for tests matching all criteria in milliseconds. |
next_cursor |
Cursor for obtaining the next page, if the number of matched items exceeds the page size. ‘null’ if there are no more pages. Cf. search parameters max_results and cursor. |
results |
The array containing the summaries of all matching tests. It is empty, if no tests matched the criteria. |
2.3.2. Opendata-summary-item
Value | Type | Example |
platform |
String |
“Android 4G” |
model |
String |
"SM-N910F" |
time |
String |
"2013-07-16 09:57:17" |
provider_name |
String |
"Some Provider" |
download_kbit |
Numeric |
81180 |
upload_kbit |
Numeric |
77883 |
ping_ms |
Numeric |
4.254356 |
signal_strength |
Numeric |
-67 |
lte_rsrp |
Numeric |
-70 |
lat |
Numeric |
48.1977655 |
long |
Numeric |
16.349674 |
open_test_uuid |
String |
“Of7d6e88b-e883-467f-8435-ee6f6abc5080” |
open_uuid |
String |
"P9f2b7bb1-39ea-454e-aa97-538564d7f8f1" |
For detailed explanation, please refer to chapter Open data for one specific test.
2.4. Example
2.4.1. Request
GET INTERFACE/opentests/search?asn=1764&sender=a1b2c3d4e5f6
This request searches for all conducted tests where the autonomous system number matches 1764 and displays the recent ones of them according to the default page size (cf. max_results). The sender ID is optionally supplied as well.
GET INTERFACE/opentests/search?download_kbit=>10&download_kbit=<100&platform=An*&time=<2014-06-01 13:10:00&sort_by=upload_kbit&sort_order=asc&max_results=1000&cursor=2000
This request searches for all conducted tests where the download speed is between 10 and 100 kbps, were conducted before June 1st, 2014 13:10:00 UTC and the platform starts with “An”. All results are then sorted by the upload-speed in ascending order. The cursor is set to 2000 in order to display the 3rd page with 1000 items.
GET INTERFACE/opentests/search?lat⇒48.09&lat=<48.35&long⇒16.14&long=<16.62&loc_accuracy⇒0&loc_accuracy=<2000&max_results=10000
This query searches for all conducted tests within the rectangular area around Vienna with a position accuracy of up to 2 km. The recent 10000 tests are returned in one page.
2.4.2. Response
{ "next_cursor": 866505, "results": [ { "platform": " LAN", "model": "IE", "long": 16.393557, "open_test_uuid": "Od1e399e6-2a82-4801-a3e7-d125af88b55d", "time": "2014-10-03 14:19:22", "open_uuid": "P250081fe-a79e-4fbc-8b0b-76b901de2b4b", "download_kbit": 42281, "signal_strength": null, "ping_ms": 4.000914, "lte_rsrp": null, "upload_kbit": 1124, "lat": 48.233243, "provider_name": "next layer" }, ... { "platform": "Android WLAN", "model": "LGE Nexus 5", "long": 16.3497029, "open_test_uuid": "Oa1f286be-3c91-4f7d-b3d3-29d0e143e20d", "time": "2014-08-14 07:59:13", "open_uuid": "Pf9b785d8-d0c4-45c0-abd6-b1d492e72fe2", "download_kbit": 62864, "signal_strength": -57, "ping_ms": 2.769414, "lte_rsrp": null, "upload_kbit": 74528, "lat": 48.1977398, "provider_name": "next layer" } ], "duration_ms": 424 }
The reference interface implementation is available at via the “Advanced search” input option. The GET-parameters on this site are exactly the same as the parameters of the Open Data interface.
3. Open data for one specific test
This call gets all the open-data for one specific test by its open-test-uuid. The response is a JSON-Object with the values or ‘null’, if a value is unknown.
3.1. Request
Method | URL |
INTERFACE/opentests/<open-test-uuid>{?parameters} |
3.2. Parameters
Type | Name | Description |
Url |
open-test-uuid |
Mandatory. The open-test-uuid of the test. |
Url |
verbose |
Optional. If >0 the threadwise speed curve is additionally returned. |
Url |
sender |
Optional. ID of the sender, for authentification. |
3.3. Response
Status | Response |
200 |
The resulting JSON, specified as following. |
404 |
If the UUID is invalid. |
3.3.1. Returned JSON
Value | Type | Example |
asn |
Numeric |
6830 |
bytes_download |
Numeric |
13653343 |
bytes_upload |
Numeric |
3712431 |
cat_technology |
String |
“3G” |
cell_area_code |
Numeric |
10156 |
cell_location_id |
Numeric |
28708964 |
channel_number |
Numeric |
397 |
client_version |
String |
“1.1” |
community |
String |
“Wien” |
country_asn |
String |
“AT” |
country_geoip |
String |
“AT” |
country_location |
String |
“AT” |
connection |
String |
"nat_local_to_public_ipv4" |
distance |
Numeric |
667.15 |
district |
String |
“Mistelbach” |
download_classification |
Numeric |
3 |
download_kbit |
Numeric |
6903 |
duration_download_ms |
Numeric |
7000.13 |
duration_upload_ms |
Numeric |
7000.12 |
gkz |
Numeric |
90001 |
gkz_sa |
Numeric |
90601 |
implausible |
Boolean |
false |
ip_anonym |
String |
“80.108.108” |
kg_nr |
Numeric |
1009 |
land_cover |
Numeric |
null |
lat |
Numeric |
48.2029024 |
loc_src |
String |
“network” |
loc_accuracy |
Numeric |
5345 |
long |
Numeric |
16.3967841 |
locality |
String |
“Mariahilf” |
lte_rsrp |
Numeric |
-6 |
lte_rsrq |
Numeric |
-81 |
model |
String |
“Sony Xperia Tablet Z LTE” |
model_native |
String |
“SGP321“ |
ndt_download_kbit |
Numeric |
1443 |
ndt_upload_kbit |
Numeric |
2334 |
network_country |
String |
“DE” |
network_mcc_mnc |
String |
232-05 |
network_name |
String |
“3 AT” |
network_type |
String |
“WLAN” |
num_threads |
Numeric |
3 |
num_threads_requested |
Numeric |
3 |
num_theads_ul |
Numeric |
3 |
open_test_uuid |
String |
"O10b9e95c-d47a-4328-b2ff-82ef24c8e6fe" |
open_uuid |
String |
“Pa19046c3-cecf-437a-a3d0-062466c8a32c” |
ping_classification |
Numeric |
3 |
ping_ms |
Numeric |
16.178334 |
pinned |
Boolean |
true |
platform |
String |
“Android” |
product |
String |
“SGP321” |
provider_name |
String |
“Provider” |
province |
String |
“Wien” |
public_ip_as_name |
String |
“AS32768 Provider“ |
radio_band |
Numeric |
1 |
roaming_type |
Integer |
0 |
server_name |
String |
signal_classification |
Numeric |
3 |
signal_strength |
Numeric |
-56 |
sim_country |
String |
“at” |
sim_mcc_mnc |
String |
“232-05” |
speed_curve |
Speed-Curve-Item |
{speed-curve-item} |
speed_curve_threadwise |
Speed-Curve-Threadwise |
{speed-curve-threadwise} |
test_if_bytes_download |
Numeric |
4991145 |
test_if_bytes_upload |
Numeric |
1961967 |
testdl_if_bytes_download |
Numeric |
4580781 |
testdl_if_bytes_upload |
Numeric |
107077 |
testul_if_bytes_download |
Numeric |
57372 |
testul_if_bytes_upload |
Numeric |
1627790 |
test_duration |
Numeric |
7 |
Time |
String |
"2013-07-15 01:55" |
time_dl_ms |
Numeric |
3692.15 |
time_ul_ms |
Numeric |
13496.54 |
upload_classification |
Numeric |
3 |
upload_kbit |
Numeric |
711 |
wifi_link_speed |
Numeric |
7562 |
zip_code |
Numeric |
1030 |
asn |
Autonomous system number. |
bytes_download |
Total number of bytes downloaded during download test (excluding training-phase). |
bytes_upload |
Total number of bytes uploaded during upload test (excluding training-phase). |
cat_technology |
Technology category of the network, e.g. “3G”, “4G”, “WLAN”. |
cell_area_code |
Number describing the coarse location of a cell. E.g. the Tracking Area Code (TAC) in case of 4G or the Location Area Code (LAC) in case of 2G or 3G |
cell_location_id |
Number identifying the location of a cell. E.g. the 28-bit Cell Identity (CI) in case of 4G, the 28-bit UMTS Cell Identity (CID) in case of UMTS or the 16-bit GSM Cell Identity (CID) in case of GSM. |
channel_number |
Channel number of the radio channel used during a measurement. E.g. the 18-bit Absolute RF Channel Number (EARFCN) in case of 4G or the 16-bit UMTS Absolute RF Channel Number (UARFCN) in case of 3G. |
client_version |
Software version number of the client. |
community |
Name of Austrian community (Gemeinde). |
connection/nat_type |
Type of connection in terms of NAT and IP-Version (e.g. behind NAT with local to public IP and IPv4). |
country_asn |
Country of AS of client IP. |
country_geoip |
Country according client IP address. |
country_location |
Country of geo-location. |
cov800cat |
Community category of Austrian 800 MHz coverage obligation derived from gkz (see |
distance |
The distance that the user moved in meters. |
district |
Name of Austrian district (Bezirk). |
download_classification |
Classification for the download speed in a
traffic-light system. |
download_kbit |
The download-speed in kilobit per second. |
duration_download_ms |
Duration of download test in ms. |
duration_upload_ms |
Duration of upload test in ms. |
gkz |
Community ID (Gemeindekennzahl, see,2601287&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL). |
gkz_sa |
Community ID (Gemeindekennzahl, see |
implausible |
Identification of implausible test results. |
ip_anonym |
The anonymized IP-Address of the client. |
kg_nr |
Number of the cadastral community, see,2601287&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL |
land_cover |
Classification of the land cover within austria, see and |
lat |
Latitude of the client position. |
loc_accuracy |
Estimation of accuracy of client location. |
loc_src |
Source for the geo location-data. Valuse: “gps”, “network”. |
locality |
Name of the cadastral community, see:,2601287&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL |
long |
Longitude of the client position. |
lte_rsrp |
LTE signal strength in dBm. |
lte_rsrq |
LTE signal quality in decibels. |
model |
Name of the device used. |
model_native |
Name of the device used, raw device name. |
ndt_download_kbit |
Download speed in the NDT-test in kilobit per second. |
ndt_upload_kbit |
Upload speed in the NDT-test in kilobit per second. |
network_country |
Country of the network in ISO 3166. |
network_mcc_mnc |
Network identification whereas the first three digits represent the country, the digits following the dash represent the mobile network provider within that country. |
network_name |
Display name of the mobile network. |
network_type |
Type of the network, e.g. MOBILE, LAN, WLAN. |
num_threads |
Number of threads used for the downlink test. |
num_threads_requested |
Number of threads requested by the server. |
num_threads_ul |
Number of threads used for the uplink test. |
open_test_uuid |
Open-Test-UUID: The UUID of the Test. |
open_uuid |
Open-UUID: Identifies the client that conducted the test. The a new Open-UUID is assigned to the client on a regular basis. |
ping_classification |
Classification for the ping speed in a traffic-light system. |
ping_ms |
Median ping (round-trip time) in milliseconds, measured on the server side. In previous versions (before June 3rd 2015) this was the minimum ping measured on the client side. |
pinned |
True, if if the test is relevant for generating the statistics (e.g. not part of a series) |
platform |
Platform on which the test has been conducted. E.g.
product Product |
Name of the client device. |
provider_name |
Name of the internet service provider. |
province |
Name of Austrian province (Bundesland). |
public_ip_as_name |
Name of the AS of the clients public IP. |
radio_band |
Radio band used when conducting the test. |
roaming_type |
Integer representing the roaming status of the client:
server_name |
Name of the test-server. |
signal_classification |
Classification for the signal strength in a traffic-light system. |
signal_strength |
Signal strength (RSSI) in dBm. |
sim_country |
Home country of the SIM card in ISO 3166. |
sim_mcc_mnc |
Network identification of the SIM provider. The digits of MCC and MNC have the same meaning as described in “network_mcc_mnc”. |
speed_curve |
Aggregated history of transferred data bytes during a test. |
speed_curve_threadwise |
History of transferred data bytes per thread during a test. Returned only if verbose>0. |
test_duration |
Duration of the test per direction (up- or download) in seconds. |
test_if_bytes_download |
Data volume received on the interface during the test (including training phase). |
test_if_bytes_upload |
Data volume transmitted on the interface during the test (including training phase). |
testdl_if_bytes_download |
Data volume received on the interface during the download test. |
testdl_if_bytes_upload |
Data volume transmitted on the interface during the download test. |
testul_if_bytes_download |
Data volume received on the interface during the upload test. |
testul_if_bytes_upload |
Data volume transmitted on the interface during the upload test. |
time/time_utc |
UTC date and time when test was started. |
time_dl_ms |
Relative start time of download in ms. |
time_ul_ms |
Relative start time of upload in ms. |
upload_classification |
Classification for the upload speed in a traffic-light system. |
upload_kbit |
Upload speed in kilobit per second. |
wifi_link_speed |
WLAN link speed according to the Android API. |
zip_code |
obsolete, will be removed in future versions |
Note: Only the italic marked items are included in the open data zipped csv file.
3.3.2. Speed-curve-item
Value | Type | Example |
download |
JSONArray |
[{measurement-item}] |
upload |
JSONArray |
[{measurement-item}] |
ping |
JSONArray |
[{ping-item}] |
signal |
JSONArray |
[{signal-item}] |
location |
JSONArray |
[{location-item}] |
download |
Measurements of downloaded bytes at various times during the test. |
upload |
Measurements of uploaded bytes at various times during the test. |
signal |
Measurements of signal strength and network type at various times during the test. |
location |
The client’s locations throughout the test. |
ping |
The client’s pings throughout the test |
3.3.3. Measurement-item
Value | Type | Example |
time_elapsed |
Numeric |
55 |
bytes_total |
Numeric |
4096 |
time_elapsed |
The time elapsed since the start of the test phase in milliseconds. |
bytes_total |
The sum of all bytes transferred since the start of the test phase. |
3.3.4. Ping-item
Value | Type | Example |
time_elapsed |
Numeric |
55 |
ping_ms |
Numeric |
8 |
time_elapsed |
The time elapsed since the start of the test in milliseconds. |
ping_ms |
Ping (round-trip time) in milliseconds, measured on the server side. |
3.3.5. Signal-item
Value | Type | Example |
time_elapsed |
Numeric |
55 |
network_type |
String |
“LTE” |
cat_technology |
String |
“4G” |
signal_strength |
Numeric |
-85 |
lte_rsrq |
Numeric |
-6 |
lte_rsrp |
Numeric |
-77 |
cell_info_2G |
Numeric |
[{Cell Info 2G-Item}] |
cell_info_3G |
Numeric |
[{Cell Info 3G-Item}] |
cell_info_4G |
Numeric |
[{Cell Info 4G-Item}] |
time_elapsed |
The time elapsed since the start of the test in milliseconds. |
network_type |
Type of the network, e.g. GSM, EDGE, UMTS, HSPA, LTE, LAN, WLAN… |
cat_technology |
Technology category of the network, e.g. “3G”, “4G”, “WLAN”. |
signal_strength |
Signal strength (RSSI) in dBm. |
lte_rsrq |
LTE signal quality in decibels. |
lte_rsrp |
LTE signal strength in dBm. |
cell_info_2G |
Additional information about the used 2G radio cell |
cell_info_3G |
Additional information about the used 3G radio cell |
cell_info_4G |
Additional information about the used 4G radio cell |
3.3.6. Cell Info 2G-Item
Value | Type | Example |
arfcn |
Numeric |
1021 |
band |
Numeric |
8 |
bsic |
Numeric |
58 |
cid |
Numeric |
18804 |
frequency_dl |
Numeric |
934.4 |
lac |
Numeric |
47170 |
arfcn |
16-bit GSM Absolute RF Channel Number |
band |
Band |
bsic |
6-bit Base Station Identity Code |
cid |
16-bit GSM Cell Identity described in TS 27.007, 0..65535 |
frequency_dl |
Frequency of the downlink in MHz |
lac |
16-bit Location Area Code, 0..65535 |
3.3.7. Cell Info 3G-Item
Value | Type | Example |
band |
Numeric |
1 |
cid |
Numeric |
9908484 |
frequency_dl |
Numeric |
2137.4 |
lac |
Numeric |
2510 |
psc |
Numeric |
27 |
uarfcn |
Numeric |
10687 |
band |
Band |
cid |
CID 28-bit UMTS Cell Identity described in TS 25.331, 0..268435455 |
frequency_dl |
Frequency of the downlink in MHz |
lac |
16-bit Location Area Code, 0..65535 |
psc |
9-bit UMTS Primary Scrambling Code described in TS 25.331, 0..511 |
uarfcn |
16-bit UMTS Absolute RF Channel Number |
3.3.8. Cell Info 4G-Item
Value | Type | Example |
band |
Numeric |
7 |
ci |
Numeric |
189954 |
earfcn |
Numeric |
2850 |
frequency_dl |
Numeric |
2630 |
pci |
Numeric |
35 |
tac |
Numeric |
6710 |
band |
Band |
ci |
28-bit Cell Identity |
earfcn |
18-bit Absolute RF Channel Number |
frequency_dl |
Frequency of the downlink in MHz |
pci |
Physical Cell Id 0..503 |
tac |
16-bit Tracking Area Code |
3.3.9. Location-item
Value | Type | Example |
time_elapsed |
Numeric |
55 |
loc_accuracy |
Numeric |
8 |
long |
Numeric |
14.20882799 |
lat |
Numeric |
47.76077786 |
altitude |
Numeric |
300.4 |
speed |
Numeric |
22.4 |
bearing |
Numeric |
195.4 |
time_elapsed |
The time elapsed since the start of the test in milliseconds. |
loc_accuracy |
Estimation of accuracy of client location. |
long |
Longitude of the client position. |
lat |
Latitude of the client position. |
altitude |
Altitude of the client position in meters |
speed |
Speed of the client device in meters per second |
bearing |
Direction of travel of the hosting device in degrees, where 0° ≤ bearing < 360°, counting clockwise relative to the true north |
3.3.10. Speed-curve-threadwise
Value | Type | Example |
download |
JSONArray |
"2": [{measurement-threadwise}] |
upload |
JSONArray |
"0": [{measurement-threadwise}] |
signal |
JSONArray |
[{signal-item}] |
location |
JSONArray |
[{location-item}] |
download |
Measurements of downloaded bytes per thread at various times during the test. The download threads are named "0", "1", "2" etc. |
upload |
Measurements of uploaded bytes per thread at various times during the test. The upload threads are named "0", "1", "2" etc. |
Note: If there is no data transmitted in a thread, this thread is not reported at all. The threads may also differ in duration and number of speed curve measurement items. The time gaps between single items are variable as well.
3.3.11. Measurement-threadwise
Value | Type | Example |
time_elapsed_ns |
Numeric |
41183662 |
bytes_total |
Numeric |
319488 |
time_elapsed_ns |
The time elapsed since the start of the test phase for this thread, in nanoseconds. |
bytes_total |
The sum of all bytes transferred since the start of the test phase for this thread. |
3.4. Example
3.4.1. Request
GET INTERFACE/opentests/O211ec703-71db-4c32-b61a-77fc1bbf1705?sender=m7n8o9p10q11
3.4.2. Response
{ "asn": 1764, "bytes_download": 76959744, "bytes_upload": 78868480, "cat_technology": "LAN", "cell_area_code": null, "cell_location_id": null, "channel_number": null, "client_version": "0.3", "community": "Wien", "connection": null, "country_asn": "EU", "country_geoip": "AT", "country_location": "AT", "distance": null, "district": "Wien(Stadt)", "download_classification": 3, "download_kbit": 87445, "duration_download_ms": 7040.742745, "duration_upload_ms": 7126.321333, "gkz": 90001, "gkz_sa": 90601, "implausible": false, "ip_anonym": "2a01:190:15fd::", "kg_nr": 1009, "land_cover": null, "lat": 48.198019801980195, "loc_accuracy": 100, "loc_src": "rastered", "locality": "Mariahilf", "long": 16.34952766531714, "lte_rsrp": null, "lte_rsrq": null, "model": "Firefox", "model_native": "Firefox", "ndt_download_kbit": null, "ndt_upload_kbit": null, "network_country": null, "network_mcc_mnc": null, "network_name": null, "network_type": "LAN", "num_threads": 3, "num_threads_requested": 3, "num_threads_ul": 3, "open_test_uuid": "O211ec703-71db-4c32-b61a-77fc1bbf1705", "open_uuid": "P7241cee2-7773-47cb-b398-dd047260db32", "ping_classification": 3, "ping_ms": 2.165636, "pinned": true, "platform": "RMBTws", "product": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:32.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/32.0", "provider_name": "next layer Telekommunikationsdienstleistungs-GmbH", "province": "Wien", "public_ip_as_name": "NEXTLAYER-AS next layer Telekommunikationsdienstleistungs- GmbH,AT", "radio_band": null, "roaming_type": null, "server_name": "RTR https 1G AT", "signal_classification": null, "signal_strength": null, "sim_country": null, "sim_mcc_mnc": null, "speed_curve": { "download": [ { "bytes_total": 319488, "time_elapsed": 41 }, ..., { "bytes_total": 76959744, "time_elapsed": 7280 } ], "location": [ { "lat": 48.20817400000001, "loc_accuracy": 140000, "long": 16.373819, "time_elapsed": 574 }, ..., { "lat": 48.197906299999985, "loc_accuracy": 100, "long": 16.3495225, "time_elapsed": 44488 } ], "signal": [], "upload": [ { "bytes_total": 4096, "time_elapsed": 107 }, ..., { "bytes_total": 78868480, "time_elapsed": 7148 } ] }, "test_duration": 7, "test_if_bytes_download": null, "test_if_bytes_upload": null, "testdl_if_bytes_download": null, "testdl_if_bytes_upload": null, "testul_if_bytes_download": null, "testul_if_bytes_upload": null, "time": "2014-10-01 14:46:06", "time_dl_ms": null, "time_ul_ms": null, "upload_classification": 3, "upload_kbit": 88537, "wifi_link_speed": null, "zip_code": null } }
3.4.3. Request Threadwise
GET INTERFACE/opentests/O211ec703-71db-4c32-b61a-77fc1bbf1705?verbose=1
3.4.4. Response Threadwise
{ "open_test_uuid": "O211ec703-71db-4c32-b61a-77fc1bbf1705", "open_uuid": "P7241cee2-7773-47cb-b398-dd047260db32", "speed_curve": {...} , //same as speed-curve-item "long": 16.34952766531714, "lat": 48.198019801980195, "time": "2014-10-01 14:46:06", ..., //same as above "speed_curve_threadwise": { "download": { "0": [ { "time_elapsed_ns": 41183662, "bytes_total": 319488 }, ... { "time_elapsed_ns": 7280490842, "bytes_total": 17825792 } ], "1": [ { "time_elapsed_ns": 41273266, "bytes_total": 40960 }, ... { "time_elapsed_ns": 7040742745, "bytes_total": 42909696 } ], "2": [ { "time_elapsed_ns": 41228267, "bytes_total": 49152 }, ... { "time_elapsed_ns": 7240738087, "bytes_total": 16224256 } ] }, "upload": {...} //similar to download } }
4. CSV-Export
4.1. Request
Method | URL |
INTERFACE/export |
INTERFACE/export/netztest-opendata-<year>-<month>.zip |
4.2. Parameters
No parameters need to be sent in order to obtain the test results of the last 31 days. For the second type of request, it is necessary to replace <year> with a four-digit year number ≥ 2000 and < 3000 and <month> with a two-digit month number ≥ 01 and ≤ 12).
4.3. Response
Status | Response |
200 |
Returns a zip file containing a csv file. This file contains the test results of the given period from the open data database. Please refer to chapter Returned JSON for the differences in included items compared to the JSON data. |
4.4. Example
4.4.1. Request
4.4.2. Response
open_uuid,open_test_uuid,time_utc,cat_technology,network_type,lat,long,loc_src,loc_accuracy,gkz,zip_code,country_location,download_kbit,upload_kbit,ping_ms,lte_rsrp,lte_rsrq,server_name,test_duration,num_threads,platform,model,client_version,network_mcc_mnc,network_name,sim_mcc_mnc,nat_type,asn,ip_anonym,ndt_download_kbit,ndt_upload_kbit,implausible,signal_strength,pinned,kg_nr,gkz_sa,land_cover,cell_area_code,cell_location_id P83d85a1e-e940-492d-8345-13a1a4c53d7d,Ofcfd6811-b6bc-4c82-8ddc-0d8f56f0f462,2018-03-03 00:00:02,WLAN,WLAN,47.9860743,14.0410021,network,20.0,40912,,AT,3749,529,40.2,,,RTR https 10G AT,7,3,Android,Galaxy J7,3.3.4,,,,nat_local_to_public_ipv4,8447,62.47.60,,,false,-60,true,49104,40912,211,, Pa10bd911-2e48-4c15-aa27-e31231c3f432,O7e336c7d-e867-4cc8-9e7b-5fd4ad519abd,2018-03-03 00:01:16,LAN,LAN,,,,,,,,12268,9176,35.5,,,RTR https 10G AT,7,3,,Chrome,0.8.0,,,,,8412,78.132.3,,,false,,true,,,,, P83d85a1e-e940-492d-8345-13a1a4c53d7d,O8c74e62a-84c3-4c9e-a493-5d9d65cb689f,2018-03-03 00:01:32,WLAN,WLAN,47.9860743,14.0410021,network,22.5,40912,,AT,6552,517,14.5,,,RTR https 10G AT,7,3,Android,Galaxy J7,3.3.4,,,,nat_local_to_public_ipv4,8447,62.47.60,,,false,-68,false,49104,40912,211,, ...
5. ShareImage-Generation
This call generates images containing the results of a user’s speed test.
5.1. Request
Method | URL |
INTERFACE/<language>/<open-test-uuid>/<imagetype>.png |
5.2. Parameters
Type | Name | Description | Example |
Url |
language |
The language of all text contained in the image. Can currently either be “de” or “en”. |
“de” |
Url |
open-test-uuid |
The Open-Test-UUID for the specific speed-test event. Can be obtained by calling /opentests. |
O10b9e95c-d47a-4328-b2ff-82ef24c8e6fe |
Url |
imagetype |
The type of image that should be generated. Can currently either be “forumlarge”, “forumsmall” or “thumbnail”. |
“forumlarge” |
5.3. Response
Status | Response |
200 |
The generated image of mimetype image/png. |
400 |
“invalid language” |
400 |
"invalid image type" |
404 |
“Invalid open-uuid” |
5.4. Example
5.4.1. Request
GET INTERFACE/en/O211ec703-71db-4c32-b61a-77fc1bbf1705/forumsmall.png
5.4.2. Response
6. Quality of Service
6.1. Request
Method | URL |
INTERFACE/qos/<open-test-uuid> |
6.2. Parameters
Type | Name | Description |
Url |
open-test-uuid |
Mandatory. The open-test-uuid of the test. |
6.3. Response
Status | Response |
200 |
The resulting JSON, specified as following. |
200 |
Test result could not be loaded. |
6.3.1. Returned JSON
Value | Type | Example |
error |
JSONArray |
[{error-item}] |
testresultdetail_testdesc |
JSONArray |
[{testresultdetail-testdesc-item}] |
testresultdetail |
JSONArray |
[{testresultdetail-item}] |
testresultdetail_desc |
JSONArray |
[{testresultdetail-desc-item}] |
error |
Error message(s). |
testresultdetail_testdesc |
Subtest descriptions containing description, name, and type of each subtest. |
testresultdetail |
Detailed results of each subtest. |
testresultdetail_desc |
Summaries of groups of subtest results. |
6.3.2. Error-item
An array of strings, e.g. ["Test result could not be loaded."] if the open-test-uuid does not exist, and [] if no error has occurred.
6.3.3. Testresultdetail-testdesc-item
Value | Type | Example |
desc |
String |
"Bei diesem Test wird überprüft, ob die HTTP-Anfrage durch einen Proxy oder eine andere \"Middlebox\" verändert wird." |
name |
String |
"Transparente Verbindung" |
test_type |
String |
desc |
Description of the subtest. |
name |
Name of the subtest. |
test_type |
Type of the subtest, i.e., WEBSITE, HTTP_PROXY, NON_TRANSPARENT_PROXY, DNS, TCP, or UDP. |
6.3.4. Testresultdetail-item
Value | Type | Example |
failure_count |
Numeric |
0 |
uid |
Numeric |
432645 |
result |
JSONObject |
{result-item} |
test_summary |
String |
"TCP Outgoing, Port: 585" |
success_count |
Numeric |
1 |
test_desc |
String |
"TCP Outgoing:\nEs wurde versucht, eine ausgehende Verbindung zum QoS-Testserver über den Port: 585 aufzubauen." |
test_type |
String |
"tcp" |
failure_count |
Number of failures of this subtest. |
uid |
Primary key of the subtest. |
result |
Subtest results and objectives. |
test_summary |
Short description of subtest, e.g. protocol, incoming/outgoing, and port. |
success_count |
Number of successful test evaluations. |
test_desc |
Description of subtest type category. |
test_type |
Type of the test, i.e., website, http_proxy, non_transparent_proxy, dns, tcp, or udp. |
6.3.5. Result-item
Values with name prefix dns_, http_, nontransproxy_, tcp_, udp_, and website_ are specific to the respective subtest types.
Value | Type | Example |
dns_objective_dns_record |
String |
"A" |
dns_objective_host |
String |
"", |
dns_objective_resolver |
String |
"Standard" |
dns_objective_timeout |
String |
"2000000000" |
dns_result_duration |
String |
"47716302" |
dns_result_entries |
String |
"[\{\"dns_result_address\":\"\",\"dns_result_ttl\":\"1884\"},\{\"dns_result_address\":\"\",\"dns_result_ttl\":\"1884\"},\{\"dns_result_address\":\"\",\"dns_result_ttl\":\"1884\"}]" |
dns_result_entries_found |
String |
"3" |
dns_result_info |
String |
"OK" |
dns_result_status |
String |
duration_ns |
String |
"614812708" |
http_objective_range |
String |
"bytes=1000000-1004999" |
http_objective_url |
String |
http_result_hash |
String |
"fc563e1e80b8cb964d712982fa2143c8" |
http_result_header |
String |
"Server: nginx\nDate: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 16:43:36 GMT\nContent-Type: image/jpeg\nContent-Length: 5000\nLast-Modified: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 14:07:37 GMT\nConnection: keep-alive\nContent-Range: bytes 1000000-1004999/9982005\n" |
http_result_length |
String |
"5000" |
http_result_status |
String |
"206" |
nontransproxy_objective_port |
String |
"51182" |
nontransproxy_objective_request |
String |
"GET / HTTR/7.9" |
nontransproxy_objective_timeout |
String |
"3000000000" |
nontransproxy_result |
String |
"OK" |
nontransproxy_result_response |
String |
"GET / HTTR/7.9" |
start_time_ns |
String |
"24429032022" |
tcp_objective_out_port |
String |
"585" |
tcp_objective_timeout |
String |
"2000000000" |
tcp_result_out |
String |
"OK" |
tcp_result_out_response |
String |
"PING" |
test_type |
String |
"tcp" |
udp_objective_delay |
String |
"300000000" |
udp_objective_out_num_packets |
String |
"1" |
udp_objective_out_port |
String |
"27015" |
udp_objective_timeout |
String |
"2000000000" |
udp_result_out_num_packets |
String |
"1" |
udp_result_out_packet_loss_rate |
String |
"0" |
udp_result_out_response_num_packets |
String |
"1" |
website_objective_timeout |
String |
"10000000000" |
website_objective_url |
String |
website_result_duration |
String |
"795957031" |
website_result_info |
String |
"OK" |
website_result_rx_bytes |
String |
"144439" |
website_result_status |
String |
"200" |
website_result_tx_bytes |
String |
"14900" |
dns_objective_dns_record |
DNS record to request. |
dns_objective_host |
Target host of this subtest. |
dns_objective_resolver |
DNS resolver to be used for this subtest. |
dns_objective_timeout |
DNS query timeout in ns. |
dns_result_duration |
Time needed to complete the test. |
dns_result_entries |
Result of this test containing all dns entries that were found. |
dns_result_entries_found |
Number of entries found. |
dns_result_info |
Result status of this subtest (OK, TIMEOUT, or ERROR). |
dns_result_status |
Query status, e.g. NOERROR or NXDOMAIN. |
duration_ns |
Duration of the subtest in ns. |
http_objective_range |
String passed to the range request header. |
http_objective_url |
Target URL of this subtest. |
http_result_hash |
Checksum of downloaded content or TIMEOUT or ERROR. |
http_result_header |
Header of HTTP response. |
http_result_length |
Length of downloaded content. |
http_result_status |
Status code in header of HTTP response (or -1 if no response). |
nontransproxy_objective_port |
Test port for non-transparent proxy subtest. |
nontransproxy_objective_request |
Request string for this subtest. |
nontransproxy_objective_timeout |
Timeout for this subtest in ns. |
nontransproxy_result |
Result status of this subtest (OK, TIMEOUT, or ERROR). |
nontransproxy_result_response |
Response (echo of the test server). |
start_time_ns |
Starting time of test in ns relative to beginning of RTR- NetTest. |
tcp_objective_out_port |
Port number used for outgoing TCP subtest. |
tcp_objective_timeout |
Timeout of this subtest in ns. |
tcp_result_out |
Result status of this subtest (OK or FAILED). |
tcp_result_out_response |
Response received by client after sending message to test server. |
test_type |
Type of subtest. |
udp_objective_delay |
Delay between packets in ns. |
udp_objective_out_num_packets |
Number of packets sent by client. |
udp_objective_out_port |
Port number used for outgoing subtest. |
udp_objective_timeout |
Timeout for this subtest in ns. |
udp_result_out_num_packets |
Number of packets received by test server. |
udp_result_out_packet_loss_rate |
Outgoing packet loss rate. |
udp_result_out_response_num_packets |
Responses to outgoing packets (used to determine packet loss rate). |
website_objective_timeout |
Timeout for website subtest. |
website_objective_url |
Target URL of this subtest. |
website_result_duration |
Time needed to download and render website in ns. |
website_result_info |
Result status of this subtest (OK, TIMEOUT, or ERROR). |
website_result_rx_bytes |
Bytes received during subtest. |
website_result_status |
Status code in header of HTTP response (or -1 if no response). |
website_result_tx_bytes |
Bytes transmitted during subtest. |
6.3.6. Testresultdetail-desc-item
Value | Type | Example |
uid |
JSONArray |
[432659, 432660] |
desc |
String |
"Der übertragene Inhalt entspricht exakt dem Original, er wurde nicht modifiziert." |
test |
String |
status |
String |
"ok" |
uid |
Array of (numeric) primary keys of the subtest. |
desc |
Description of the subtest result. |
test |
Type of the subtest, i.e., WEBSITE, HTTP_PROXY, NON_TRANSPARENT_PROXY, DNS, TCP, or UDP. |
status |
Status of the subtest result. |
6.4. Example
6.4.1. Request
GET INTERFACE/qos/O56b5cc79-5669-4457-bce2-0aeaf3b7242f
6.4.2. Response
{ "error": [ ], "testresultdetail_testdesc": [ { "desc": "Beim Webseiten-Test wird eine Referenz-Webseite (mobile Kepler-Seite der ETSI) heruntergeladen. Es wird dabei überprüft, ob die Übertragung der Seite möglich ist, und wie lange die Übertragung der Seite dauert.", "name": "Webseite", "test_type": "WEBSITE" }, { "desc": "Bei diesem Test wird ein Test-Webobjekt (z.B. Bild) heruntergeladen und überprüft, ob es beim Transport verändert wurde.", "name": "Unveränderter Inhalt", "test_type": "HTTP_PROXY" }, { "desc": "Bei diesem Test wird überprüft, ob die HTTP-Anfrage durch einen Proxy oder eine andere \"Middlebox\" verändert wird.", "name": "Transparente Verbindung", "test_type": "NON_TRANSPARENT_PROXY" }, { "desc": "DNS ist ein fundamentaler Internetdienst. Er wird zur Übersetzung von Domain-Namen auf IP-Adressen verwendet. Es wird - je nach Test - getestet, ob der Dienst verfügbar ist, ob die Antworten korrekt sind und wie schnell der Server antwortet.", "name": "DNS", "test_type": "DNS" }, { "desc": "TCP ist ein wichtiges verbindungsloses Internetprotokoll. Es wird z.B. für die Übertragung von Webseiten und Mails verwendet.", "name": "TCP Ports", "test_type": "TCP" }, { "desc": "UDP ist ein wichtiges verbindungsorientiertes Internet-Protokoll, das für Echtzeitübertragungen (zB. VoIP, Video) verwendet wird.", "name": "UDP Ports", "test_type": "UDP" } ], "testresultdetail": [ { "failure_count": 0, "uid": 432645, "result": { "tcp_objective_timeout": "2000000000", "start_time_ns": "24429032022", "tcp_result_out_response": "PING", "tcp_result_out": "OK", "tcp_objective_out_port": "585", "duration_ns": "614812708" }, "test_summary": "TCP Outgoing, Port: 585", "success_count": 1, "test_desc": "TCP Outgoing:\nEs wurde versucht, eine ausgehende Verbindung zum QoS-Testserver über den Port: 585 aufzubauen.", "test_type": "tcp" }, { "failure_count": 0, "uid": 432646, "result": { "start_time_ns": "24435081033", "udp_objective_out_port": "27015", "udp_result_out_response_num_packets": "1", "udp_result_out_packet_loss_rate": "0", "udp_objective_out_num_packets": "1", "udp_result_out_num_packets": "1", "udp_objective_timeout": "2000000000", "udp_objective_delay": "300000000", "duration_ns": "783956145" }, "test_summary": "UDP Outgoing, Port: 27015, Anzahl Pakete: 1", "success_count": 1, "test_desc": "UDP Outgoing:\nAnzahl verschickter Pakete: 1, am Server angekommen: 1, am Client zurückgekommen: 1.\nPaketverlustrate: 0%", "test_type": "udp" }, ..., { "failure_count": 0, "uid": 432657, "result": { "start_time_ns": "25296847907", "nontransproxy_result": "OK", "nontransproxy_result_response": "GET / HTTR/7.9", "nontransproxy_objective_timeout": "3000000000", "nontransproxy_objective_port": "51182", "nontransproxy_objective_request": "GET / HTTR/7.9", "duration_ns": "452739583" }, "test_summary": "Port: 51182\nAnfrage: GET / HTTR/7.9", "success_count": 1, "test_desc": "Eine HTTP Anfrage mit dem Inhalt: 'GET / HTTR/7.9' wurde an den Testserver (Port: 51182) geschickt.\nDie Antwort war: 'GET / HTTR/7.9'", "test_type": "non_transparent_proxy" }, { "failure_count": 0, "uid": 432659, "result": { "http_objective_range": "bytes=1000000-1004999", "start_time_ns": "25759770876", "http_result_status": "206", "http_result_length": "5000", "http_result_header": "Server: nginx\nDate: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 16:43:36 GMT\nContent-Type: image/jpeg\nContent-Length: 5000\nLast-Modified: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 14:07:37 GMT\nConnection: keep-alive\nContent-Range: bytes 1000000-1004999/9982005\n", "http_objective_url": "", "http_result_hash": "fc563e1e80b8cb964d712982fa2143c8", "duration_ns": "225194896" }, "test_summary": "Ziel:", "success_count": 1, "test_desc": "Ziel: ''\nIntervall: bytes=1000000-1004999\nDauer: 0,2 s\nLänge: 5000\r\nStatus Code: 206\nHash: fc563e1e80b8cb964d712982fa2143c8\nHeader: \r\nServer: nginx\nDate: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 16:43:36 GMT\nContent-Type: image/jpeg\nContent-Length: 5000\nLast-Modified: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 14:07:37 GMT\nConnection: keep-alive\nContent-Range: bytes 1000000-1004999/9982005\n", "test_type": "http_proxy" }, ..., { "failure_count": 0, "uid": 432661, "result": { "start_time_ns": "26652727959", "website_result_tx_bytes": "14900", "website_objective_url": "", "website_result_rx_bytes": "144439", "website_result_info": "OK", "website_result_duration": "795957031", "website_objective_timeout": "10000000000", "website_result_status": "200", "duration_ns": "813012239" }, "test_summary": "Ziel:", "success_count": 1, "test_desc": "Die Übertragung von dauerte 0,8 s.\r\n\nDatenvolumen Downlink: 144,4 kB\nDatenvolumen Uplink: 14,9 kB\nHTTP Status code: 200", "test_type": "website" }, { "failure_count": 0, "uid": 432662, "result": { "start_time_ns": "27471066031", "dns_objective_timeout": "2000000000", "dns_result_info": "OK", "dns_result_entries_found": "3", "dns_objective_resolver": "Standard", "dns_result_duration": "34847865", "dns_result_entries": "[{\"dns_result_address\":\"\",\"dns_result_ttl\":\"3540\"},{\"dns_result_address\":\"\",\"dns_result_ttl\":\"3540\"},{\"dns_result_address\":\"\",\"dns_result_ttl\":\"3540\"}]", "dns_result_status": "NOERROR", "dns_objective_dns_record": "A", "dns_objective_host": "", "duration_ns": "34921927" }, "test_summary": "Ziel: \nEintrag: A\nDNS-Auflöser: Standard", "success_count": 1, "test_desc": "DNS Anfrage für die Domain:\nAbgefragter Typ: A-Record.\n\nTestergebnis: \nDNS Status: NOERROR\nDNS-Einträge: [[address=, ttl=3540], [address=, ttl=3540], [address=, ttl=3540]]\r\nDauer: 35 ms", "test_type": "dns" }, ... ], "testresultdetail_desc": [ { "uid": [ 432659, 432660 ], "desc": "Der übertragene Inhalt entspricht exakt dem Original, er wurde nicht modifiziert.", "test": "HTTP_PROXY", "status": "ok" }, { "uid": [ 432646, ..., 432656 ], "desc": "Der UDP-Test war erfolgreich. Alle Pakete sind angekommen.", "test": "UDP", "status": "ok" }, { "uid": [ 432645, ..., 432644 ], "desc": "Der TCP-Test war erfolgreich. Es konnte eine Verbindung aufgebaut werden.", "test": "TCP", "status": "ok" }, { "uid": [ 432701 ], "desc": "DNS Abfrage erfolgreich (verwendeter DNS-Server:", "test": "DNS", "status": "ok" }, ..., { "uid": [ 432667, ..., 432703 ], "desc": "Eine DNS-Anfrage für eine nicht existierende Domain war erfolgreich, es wurden keine Einträge gefunden.", "test": "DNS", "status": "ok" }, { "uid": [ 432657, 432658 ], "desc": "Die HTTP Anfrage an den QoS-Testserver wurde nicht verfälscht.", "test": "NON_TRANSPARENT_PROXY", "status": "ok" }, { "uid": [ 432661 ], "desc": "Die Webseite wurde erfolgreich übertragen.", "test": "WEBSITE", "status": "ok" } ] }
7. Change history
Date | Comment |
2015-09-14 |
Introduction of the change history. Correction of various typos. Hints for sender ID and threadwise speed curve added. |
2017-03-22 |
New filter criteria client_uuid and new output format csv in search for tests by open-data. New RTR logo. |
2018-03-29 |
New Open data fields zip_code is now obsolete and will be removed in future versions |
2018-05-18 |
Open data for individual ping measurement and GPS information |
2018-11-09 |
Open data query for country_location |
2018-12-01 |
Change of the CC licence |