The RTR-NetTest measures, in addition to the speed of your current internet connection (upload, download, ping, signal strength), also a number of quality parameters (VoIP, unchanged content, website, transparent connection, DNS, ports).
When starting the app, several symbols will give you information about your internet connection: mobile data or WLAN connection, background data transmission, IP address and location. The start button initiates the RTR-NetTest. The speed tests are followed by QoS tests. QoS stands for Quality of Service. Horizontal bars show the progress of the QoS tests. Once all tests are completed, the results as well as other detailed information can be viewed in the summary. The menu is located on the left and contains buttons to access the pages home , history, map, statistics, help, information and settings.
The Android-App Version 2.2 can be downloaded using the Google Play Store or direcly here. It is available for devices with Android 4.0 and above. More information...
The iOS-App can be downloaded using the App Apple iTunes-Store. It is available for devices with iOS 7.0 and above. More information...
Measurements with the RTR-NetTest with other mobile operating systems and with the desktop can be conducted with a web browser - start test using Websockets